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Lay for the Day
27th May

Isadora Duncan, a founder of modern dance and a famous free spirit, was born on this day in 1877, in San Francisco.
The poem is set in Argentina under the regime of General Galtieri.



Police hauled her
out of the bar
for having blue
hair, and slammed her

into a car;
they terrified
then released her.
Another one

dreaming the just
and terrible
day of the dust’s

drinking her wine
in the meanwhile.
She dances, she
shuffles her feet

to the congas’
supple logic,
drawing designs
in the air with

her arms apart
and her eyes closed,
testing the ground
with her bare toes,

testing the ground
to see what stirs.


John Gibbens
from Characters: You & I

The Lay Reader: an archive of the poetic calendar

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