Lay for the Day 22nd
the sculptor Alexander Calder is born in Lawnton, Pennsylvania, the child
of two artists. His mother, Nanette, was a painter, and his father, Alexander,
a sculptor. He made things from early childhood on, with the encouragement
of his parents, and had his own workshops in their various homes; but
Alexander Junior's first career was in engineering. In 1922 he took up
art studies and he later became an illustrator for the National Police
Gazette. He moved to Paris in 1926. Here are two of his wire sculptures
from the Museum of Modern Art in the Pompidou Centre in Paris:
poem is from Characters, a series of portraits, first of friends
and acquaintances and then, in a second section, of imagined people. Theyre
made for the most part of skinny four-syllable lines, something, perhaps,
like images in wire.
Slight as morning
rain, the sixteen-
lisping pixie,
also as wire,
throws her slimness
on wild fortune,
the mercy of
smacked-out squats and
drear B&Bs,
from man to man.
(Thunder and rain
in the Ching means
big love coming.
Ready yourself
to be ambushed
by it, undone.)
The poppy-juice
habit wont heal
the crack. Would your
split twin-brothers
mind be one if
youre made nothing?
Pack your troubles:
ailing mother,
half-used lovers,
junk. That grip wont
let the good you
could do them be.
Make them freedom
of clay and space.
At the mild pace
of a lakeside,
sky-covered place,
figure them out.
Lay Reader: an archive of the poetic calendar