Creation tends to
double ways
When it comes to working wonders,
Pits a night of blues and greys
Against a days hot splendours;
And if the right
hand raise a sun,
In the left is borne a daughter,
One to forge a fiery reign
And one to sway the water.
Onward with contrarious
The worlds in perpetual motion;
We stand, fly, change goods for ills,
Swap continent and ocean.
But still among distinguished
Moves one that is whole and total:
Some may admire golden calves;
I rise to a higher symbol.
The yin and yang
that China sees
Revolves a white and a black side;
You resolve in finer peace
The sweet pair of your backside,
Where neither twin
takes precedence,
Both bend and swell to globes that glance,
Kiss cheek to cheek, and so dance,
Spheres in heavenly balance.
And one day all our
world shall be
As well-made as your bottom is:
Beauty, bounty, equity,
It shall be. Thats the promise.
Gibbens, from The Promise